Montpelier Hospital

View Original When it comes to men's health issues, urological conditions are frequently neglected. It's important to note that maintaining your urological health is necessary for overall well-being. According to urological surgeons and advisers, some of the common urological conditions that are generally observed in cases include urinary tract infections (e.g. cystitis, pyelonephritis), haematuria ( blood in urine), difficulties with passing urine, prostatic blowup (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia), and indeed urological cancers.

Urological advice is also important in case of erectile dysfunction or loss of libido. Utmost famed urological surgeons and advisers offer their advice on several men's health issues, including prostate and bladder function, cancer, sexual function, change of life, and diet.

Still, don't waste time, If you're suffering from any of these urological conditions. Talk to your croaker about them. Delay in seeking medical attention could increase the threat of a more serious condition. According to urological surgeons, utmost men feel embarrassed whilst talking about their urological health, especially erectile dysfunction and other sexual health enterprises. There's no need to beget yourself gratuitous stress. Visit your croaker or a well-known urology adviser moment and bandy openly your problems. This would help you maintain your urological health and live a healthy life.

Some of the common urological health conditions have been bandied below

Urinary tract infection Although women are more prone to urinary tract infection, disquisition is advised for men as well. It's important to seek your croaker's advice; the factual cause for the infection and any complications involved can be linked with the help of thorough examinations. In utmost cases, a sudden course of antibiotics cures the infections.

Bladder Health Enterprises Worrisome bladder symptoms may include incontinence and difficulties with passing urine. There are several conditions affecting bladder health similar to monuments in the bladder and urinary infections, but also bladder cancer. Utmost urological surgeons advise men above 50 times of age to suffer thorough disquisition of any bladder symptoms.

Haematuria Any visible quantum of blood in the urine calls for urological examinations to identify the underpinning cause or any complications. Occasionally, bitsy quantities of blood may be present in the urine. In case of bitsy haematuria, it's judicious to consult your croaker and suffer a thorough medical examination, particularly if you're 50 times old or have other urological symptoms. In the absence of any urological cause, you may need to consult a nephrologist to get your feathers examined.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) As men get aged, they may suffer from BPH that causes prostate blowup and indeed bladder malfunctioning. In numerous cases, it can be treated with a drug; else help of urological surgeons may be demanded.

Urological cancer The problem with prostate cancer is that it shows many if any, symptoms until it reaches an advanced stage. According to the American Urological Association, one in every six men is diagnosed with prostate cancer in his continuance. So, it's judicious to talk to your croaker about the webbing and opinion of urological cancer if you're 40 or over. Other common urological cancers that are more likely to affect men are order cancer and bladder cancer. Blood in the urine and symptoms analogous to urinary infections may be caused by bladder cancer. Unlike other cancers, testicular cancer tends to affect youthful men, and tone- examination is recommended. Testicular cancer isn't generally painful in the early stages, but sometimes can be confused with a painful testicular infection. However, seek croaker's advice incontinently, If you observe a lump within or on the testis.


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