
 While a urologist specializes in the treatment of the urinary system, and a gynecologist focuses on the womanish reproductive system, a urogynecologist is the first subspecialist to combine the two fields. Simply put, a urogynecologist is an Ob/ Gyn or Urologist who specializes in minding for women's urology and pelvic problems.

Urogynecologists are knowledgeable in Obstetrics and Gynecology and have fresh training in the evaluation and treatment of conditions that affect the womanish pelvic organs and the muscles and connective napkins that support the organs. This training allows them to help women with both surgical and non-surgical treatment of non-cancerous gynecologic problems that frequently affect due to parturition, menopause, or aging. Conditions treated by urogynecologists affect 1 out of every 4 women. This number exceeds the quantum of women who suffer from hyperactive- pressure, diabetes, or depression.

Pelvic bottom diseases similar to urinary or fecal incontinence and prolapse ( bulging or falling) of the vagina, bladder, and/ or the uterus are among the most common procedure urogynecologists treat. Prolapse is when womanish organs fall into the pelvic area; a gradational procedure that occurs numerous times. This problem is frequently accompanied by incontinence because both conditions are believed to affect damage to the pelvic bottom that occurs after parturition. Still, while delivering a child is frequently a factor, other possible factors can lead to these conditions. For illustration, veritably heavy lifting on a diurnal base (as some paramedics and plant workers might do) habitual coughing, severe constipation, and rotundity may all play a part in developing prolapse or incontinence.

Three main avenues can be used for treating these conditions, and these can be classified as behavioral, pharmacological, or surgical. Before resorting to surgery, utmost croakers first attempt to see if behavioral changes like diet and exercise revision can fix the situation. Since certain acidic food and libation choices can irritate the bladder cases are given a strict diet to cleave to and if the diet helps, no other treatment is also pursued. Pelvic Muscle Exercises are included in behavioral changes because they strengthen a woman's sphincter muscles thereby reducing incontinence.

Still, pharmacological treatment is tried and the drug is interdicted, If these fail. Surgical treatments for these conditions may also be used. One of the more common surgical procedures is called Interstim Therapy and this is used specifically for treating incontinence. Small electrical impulses are transferred to the holy whim-whams to drop the symptoms of urgency, frequency, urinary retention, and most importantly, prompt incontinence. In addition, there are ongoing studies involving fitting Botox into the bladder wall; further information on this procedure is still demanded before it's recommended. Other more recent styles are Biofeedback or Electric Stimulation which help a woman to fete how to control certain pelvic muscles.


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