Hospitals and Medical Centers: 3 Effective Bird Proofing Strategies

 As a hospital or local hospital facilities manager, you are well aware that birds can cause a variety of issues. Their excrement is at the top of the list. That's why you should keep bird droppings away from overhanging structures, ledges, windows, and walkways first and foremost. Outside lunch tables and chairs, which are used by staff or other work teams, are another trouble area. The reason for this is simple: bird droppings are known to contain more than 60 diseases that people can get.

Birds should be kept away from rooftops where air ducts and HVAC equipment draw in air to be distributed throughout the complex. Dried droppings spread spores into patient rooms, hallways, and waiting areas, posing a risk to persons with weakened immune systems. These feces can also provide a risk of slipping and falling for people who are already having difficulties walking. Installing bird deterrents that work to eliminate them is the solution. The following are some of the most successful control devices utilized by hospitals and medical centers today:

Stainless Steel Bird Spikes are used by hospital facilities managers around the country because they provide excellent anti-perching and anti-roosting protection. Steel spikes will keep crows, gulls, and pigeons away from rooftops, parapet walls, ledges, light poles, signage, and other "problem" areas. They're also quite good at keeping them away from HVAC units and other rooftop structures. The spiky strips can be readily fastened to curved surfaces with screws, adhesive, hose clamps, or ties. The best stainless steel spikes will have spiked pins snugly placed in a UV-protected polycarbonate base and will be created in the To suit a range of bird deterrent tactics, these spikes are available in 1-, 3-, 5-, and 8-inch widths.

Bird Wire Systems are ideal for keeping birds off rooftops, ledges, railings, and signs by creating an unstable, insecure landing place that they will avoid. These systems consist of a post-and-spring-wire combination that may be easily installed in almost any location. For added longevity, the best wire systems use stainless steel wire that has been coated with nylon.


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