Hospitals and medical facilities are not all the same.

It is necessary for society to acknowledge that there is no such thing as a good hospital or a bad hospital if it is to be totally honest. Although all hospitals provide care to the general population, the hospitals' staff numbers in the hundreds of thousands. Yes, some hospitals face lawsuit after lawsuit and tragedy after tragedy, but other hospitals face few litigation. The staff, workers, employees, nurses, and medical professionals in the buildings are what matter most in terms of their caliber, quantity, consistency, and sincerity.

Therefore, both excellent and terrible hospitals have one thing in common: both are intended to treat patients and aid in their recovery, or at the at least, to prevent any harm from occurring. We, as a culture, become aware of what is genuine and what is fantasy when reality sets in. Additionally, the idea that there are better hospitals than terrible ones is a myth. The truth of the matter is that both types of hospitals have excellent people, and what's worse is that some of the best hospitals contain awful individuals. The real quality of a hospital or medical facility can only be determined over time.

Sometimes hospitals and medical facilities are so careless and awful that they actually provide free services to specific populations. For instance, a hospital may provide free hospitalization and free medical care to artists and other professionals in exchange for their services. Anyone question the need for a major medical facility to provide free healthcare? And why now, when their beds are already overflowing? Those are merely queries. The only people who know the answers to these questions are the patients and their families.

What will society do about medical facilities and hospitals that routinely provide patients with less care than they are entitled to under the law? Each of these queries is legitimate and deserves an answer. However, the type of hospital you may work with won't be known for some time. The exact state of the American healthcare system won't be known for some time. When I consider this, I am reminded of how much Clinton advocated for universal access to free healthcare and hospitalization, but no one ever brought up the standard of that care


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