Work with a Local Urologist from Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers

If you are looking for someone who can help you with urology problems, look no further than the CHWC Urology Clinic at Bryan Hospital. We provide you with access to compassionate, experienced, and exceptional doctors and care providers who can address a wide variety of concerns. For example, you might be looking for a urologist who can help you with an overactive bladder, urinary tract infections, frequent urination, and even a fistula. Or, you might be looking for a doctor who can help you with male-related urological issues such as prostate problems, erectile dysfunction, or male stress incontinence. We also have caring, thoughtful professionals who provide professional urology care for women. This includes pelvic organ prolapse, female urinary tract symptoms, and female sexual dysfunction. If you would like to learn more about how we can help you, contact us today to make an appointment. 419-633-7482

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